E Tipu e Rea

Rangatahi Tū Rangatira has been fortunate enough to have input and advice from a number of contributors. Our sincere appreciation goes out to every one of you whom have contributed to our development, and who continue to do so for the benefit of rangatahi, Whānau, Hapū, and ultimately Iwi.

Dr. Te Orongonui Keelan, allowed Rangatahi Tū Rangatira to utilise a model which she developed that was based on an insightful piece of writing by Tā Apirana Ngata. This helped guide us, and provided a model to assist in shaping our delivery. Tēnā rawa atu koe e te rangatira.

The model is no longer in circulation, however the korero that was gifted to a young Māori student by Apirana Ngata is still relevant to todays youth. The message of adapting to a changing environment while maintaining the values of Tipuna is as valuable today, as it was then.

E tipu e rea rangatahi, don't just grow but thrive!!


E tipu e rea mo ngā rā o tō ao

Ko tō ringa ki ngā rākau ā te Pakeha Hei ara mō tō tinana

Ko tō ngākau ki ngā tāonga a ō tīpuna Māori

Hei tikitiki mō tō māhuna

Ko tō wairua ki tō Atua, Nānā nei ngā mea katoa


Grow up and thrive for the days destined to you.

Your hands to the tools of the Pakeha to provide physical sustenance,

Your heart to the treasures of your Māori ancestors as a diadem for your brow,

Your soul to your God, to whom all things belong.


Tā Apirana Ngata


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R2R is Part of Kokiri Marae
